tirsdag, juni 10, 2008

giftbox on the run :)

OK, I KNOW I should have been in bed, sleeping now, but I just came across this little challenge, by Rhonna over at 2Peas. "use your stash" and create a little gift or something out of it. what a great idea. Rhonna had made some gifts for her kids teachers using her scrapstash, and so did I.
Made this box out of one of my papers (3ndypapir). stashed with ribbons, a ribbon-flower, rubons from Rhonna farrer and textbox by 3ndypapir. Easy as that, and hopefully the teacher will go on holiday with a smile and some yummy chocolates in this little box. :)
I'm off to bed.

4 kommentarer:

  1. For en utrolig fin eske! Har sett litt på bloggen din nå, og gud så mye fint du lager! :)

  2. wooohoo!
    LOVE this, Gudrun...well done!

  3. Så fin eske!
    Og flotte bilder og LO i forrige post.:D

  4. YAYYAYAYYAYA sooo cool that you won! i saw your name and got giddy!! !:)
