onsdag, januar 28, 2009

"Springy" inspiration

Oh, yes, I feel frozen, ice cold .... wrapped up in my woolen socks and woolen sweaters I still feel like I need just a tiny little piece of spring now. So what to do? Well, I found this cute picture of my little girl, first day in 3rd grade, autumn 2008 - she was SO proud and happy to make her homework. She LOVES to create, draw and use bold, beautiful colors....so this inspiered me to find my bold, happy-colored acrylic paints, my little butterfly-stamps and some tread (and a needle ;) )
This happy spring-inspiration will also be a part of the class I'll teach at the March crop in Ski; "SKI-TREFFET".
SO, SO looking foreward to that!

10 kommentarer:

  1. What a beautiful layout. Absolutely gorgeous!!!

  2. ohh so beautiful. Love the colors and LOVE those butterflies!

  3. so amazingly beautiful!

  4. Herlig vårstemning Gudrun, kan du ikke komme å varme meg også med denne vårinspirasjonen? Jeg fryyyyser...... brrrr.....

  5. Ååå, så nydelig!!
    Digget hvordan du har brukt sommerfuglene og den konsentrerte jenta som tegner regnbuen!

    Kos deg inne i varmen, snart kan man løpe barføtt i gresset..

  6. Ååå - GLEDER meg til kursene på Ski-treffet!!! :o)

  7. What a lovely little butterflies. And you made them yourself? AMAZING! The whole LO makes me long for Spring too!

  8. omgosh!! it's adorable!!! i love your LO...what a great photo to use for inspiration!!!

    it's cold here too...could you send me some of that woolen:D!!!!

  9. GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!
    oh sweetie...i LOVE this!

  10. Amazing!!! love all details. Congratulations
