Thank you
Bonnie for bringing this wonderful challenge in last weeks "cabinet of curiosities". Inspiration is one of the most inportant things in an artists life....i think; no inspiration - no art. So I can't tell you how much I appreciated the book I got when wisiting Bergen two weeks ago. Still reading it over and over again. Thank you
Traci Bautista! Your book is one big source of inspiration and creative joy. :)
And then another challenge I'm in to: Emily Falconbridges' mini-artjournal; " a deck of you".

Here is my cards for the last three weeks. Yes I might seem to be a bit lazy..... so maybe a sleeping angel would have been more my symbol..... lol Well busy days, but still LOVE this little challenge, and i'm sure i'll be hanging on for the rest of the year.
My card #1 is for the ephemera prompt, and i chose to use a flight-ticket, and a train-ticket. I was in Bergen that actual week, and it seemed suitable to use the tickets and my word "reise"( = travel) as my word for this week.
My card #2 is the sybol-prompt. I actually had decided tu use a pigeon /dove ( the symbol of peace). I have allways been a person that wants peace to the world, and my heart cries for all the kids in the world that have to live in places where war is their everyday life. But instead i decided to use an angel. I wish the world could have it's own guardian angel, watcing over us, and making the world a better place for everybody.
so the last card is the LOVE-prompt. Easy as that. Have attached a pic of my beloved husband on the back of the card.
So for those of you that doesent understand my poor and rusy english:
Er med på et par utfordringer for tiden: "cabinet of curiosities" hos Bonnie og Artsymama. Jeg lager mine bidrag som en artjournal, og denne gangen var utfordringsordet "INSPIRASJON". Det er vel noe alle kunstnere trenger, og alle som driver med kreativ utfoldelse. Jeg er stadig superinspirert av den kjempefine boka til Traci Bautista.
Den lille "a deck of you"-utfordringen hos Emily Falconbridge er det mange norske som kjenner til og er med på. Lurer du på hva den handler om kan du klikke HER.
Mine kort denne gangen er til de tre siste ukenes utfordringer:
1: efemera/ Jeg har brukt ukas flybilett til bergen, og en togbillett. Reise er noe jeg svært gjerne gjør, kort eller langt....reise betyr noe godt for meg. :)
2: mitt symbol/ en engel. Hadde tenkt å ha en fredsdue, men tenkte isteden at verden har mer bruk for en skytsengel. ;)
3: LOVE (enkelt og greit. ) ;)