Yes I have really been in the mood for scrapbooking lately. Had fun doing Gladies challenge distress with real tea. No prob! I Love tea! The ring (after the cup) is made with walnut-ink...the tea woudn't make the spots dark enough....but the rest of the edges is distressed with real tea. ;)

And, this week I fell in love with the beautyful Gretchen-Lift over at "ScrapJack". My LO is about one of my very best friends, Tove....and her creative hands. I'm so blessed to know her! :)
Hei Norske venner.
Lagde en Liten engelsk post ideg. Dere fatter jo engelsk, (sikkert bedre enn jeg kan skrive)....så jeg lar vær å oversette kråketærne, ;)
Ha en fin dag! :)