Hello my lovely friends, and thank you SO much for all your sweet and warm-hearted comments. :-)
Now. Here is the reason that made me so happy and inspired to create I decided to be back here on my blog:
Yes, you are right. The wonderful, inspiring, creative blog One Little Word is back!!!
And here the other day my sweet, talented friend Ronda contacted me and asked me if I wanted to join the team like I did before.
As a friend of mine she very well knew my life is bumpy and rough and that my creative side have been sleeping for a year now. still she chose to ask me to join. This made me so very, very happy, and all my creative friends over at OLW filled me with so much inspiration and joy I couldn't say no to join them.
This month we are Celebrating the re-birth of OLW, celebrating Jessis beautiful word for this month, celebrating art, celebrating creativity, celebrating life.
Make sure you join us for our monthly celebrating of words over at the One Little Word blog.
I have made a little art Journal page for this word.
Life is not black or white. Like I said in my post yesterday there is so many things to be thankful for, to embrace, to make life colorful and happy.
Celebrate life.
cover of my AJ
Thanks for visiting my blog.
Hope to see you back soon.