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Her har jeg skåret et hull gjennom 15-20 sider, og plassert et gammelt bilde printet på transperent inni. Har videre vagt påenda en transperent med klokke-motiv.
Here is one of my pages for the book of dreams.
I still play around using different techniques. Tried to transfer the old picture from the transparency-film, but still didn't succseed. Anyway I was pretty satisfied with the result. I cut a hole trough 15-20 of the pages in the book. Painted the background paper, but some of the text still shows trough the transparency. Used another transparensy with watch-pattern to decorate.
11 kommentarer:
Ser ut som du koser deg med nye teknikker!
Knallflott med transparent!
Wow Gudrun! Dette var rått! SEr kjempemorsomt ut!
Wow.............compliments for your pages in this BOD :) :) :)
..........shame I didn't know about it before :( :( :(.
just love your journal pages
thanx for sharing
joan in italy
Du er en tusenkunstner, Gudrun :) Vakkert vakkert vakkert!
Wow wow wow. This page is really cool. I love how you made it look so worn and old. Can't wait to see more of your pages.
Det ble utrolig fint, Gudrun. Liker rommet du har skåret ut og plasssert bildet i.
Gleder meg veldig til å se fortsettelsen...
Your pages are AMAZING :)
I have trouble doing the transparency transfers too. This turned out absolutely WONDERFUL! wow!!!!
WooOOooHoOOooOo!!! This is spectacular!~ I love everything that you have done with these pages...sometimes a mistake or error makes all the beautiful difference...I tend to thrive on imperfections...this is gorgeous!
Your page spread is wonderful. I can't stop looking at it. I have a question. I haven't had much luck with transferring from the transparency so I'm working on using the transparency. How did you attach the transparency to your page? Thanks for sharing.
This is Beautiful!!!
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