I was SO inspiered by this weeks sketch over at the
Kelli Crowe was the guest-designer of the week, and she is a really amazing, talented, inspiering woman. :)
And, i have to mention, the very talented
Ania, designer at the Pencil Lines blogg used my little birdie-patternd paper from 3ndypapir spring collection on her layout for the sketch this week ....which made me totally happy!!! thanks ania! hugs!
And above you can see my take on this weeks sketch. :) My little bunle of joy...
Busy busy those days...still packing and shipping 3ndyPapir christmas-collections all over the country. Thank you so much for all the lovely comments we've got on this x-mas line. I know it makes both Lene and me SO happy! :) Made this little christmasSummer-card for one of my best friends, tove (shhh, she doesn't know yet... ;) )
So; to the little sneaks......:

Here is a LO made for the "vintage - vintage" -class I'll teach at the
BIG gathering in SKI in october. SO looking foreward to this. Hope to see you there! :) :)

and this is a little sneak of the vintage x-mas album Lene and I'll teach at the same gathering. :)