Happy birthday Sol!!!!!!!!!
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tirsdag, mars 30, 2010
mandag, mars 29, 2010
more easter inspiration
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Easter holiday have started here in Norway, wich means alot of people are on vacation, having some days off, celebrating, relaxing, being with friends and family.
Norwegian easter tradition is - amongst many things:
Mountains, outoor-activites, skiing, snow, sun, oranges, chocolate, egg, chicken...cross-words....good stories...
So I wanted to share a little easter inspiration today.

My kids LOVE this activities too!!
The blue hen welcoming you was made this afternoon by my 14 YO son!
He was the first one to rush to the table and start felting when I started to pull out all the wool :)
All my kids, and a couple of their friends had a wonderful time around the table, making woolen stuff.
I created a little door-hanging for our front door.

Colored wool ( I have used Nepal wool) in colors of your choice
felting needle and a foam mat to have under your project
foam-egg (I used 16 eggs) depending of the size you want yuor doorhanging to be.
Metal wire
Pre-made welcome-sign
(my welcome sign was bought at Kremmerhuset)

Felt the wool into the foam-egg using your felting needle.
Push the needle into the foam-egg over and over again, all over the egg, to make the wool "stick" to the foam (usually the needles come with a great tutorial on how to use it)

Cut a piece of metal-wire. This will make the fondation of your doorhanging.
Add one egg at a time to the metal wire.
I just pushed the wire all the way trough the foam-egg.

It will soon look like this:
Put the remaining pieces of metal wire into the "next door" foamegg, and secure with some hot glue.
Add a ribbon and the welcome-sign.
søndag, mars 28, 2010
Hijacking the Cosmo Cricket blog
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The Cosmo Cricket Design Team is Hijacking the Cosmo blog every saturday, and yesterday I was SO honored to be the first designer to share a "step-by-step" tutorial on the Cosmo blog :) :)
I shared this little accordion album. To find out how I made it, and see more pics of the project, please run on over to COSMO CRICKET BLOG!
Happy Weekend!
onsdag, mars 24, 2010
Me, a scrapbooker :)
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Somethimes I just wonder....if I scrap, or if I just teach, run 3ndypapir, mail bunches of papers all over the world, surf internet, talk to people on mail...
Well I LOVE this part of my job, of course!!! But most of all i want to be a scrapbooker, an artist - a photographer...a paper-lover :)
And it feels GOOD when I find time to do the things I love the most.
Here are three LOs I made recently.
One with the BEAUTIFUL butterly stamps by my Stamp BOX (love these!!)
And the two LOs below are made for LOTUS paperie.
This awesome challenge-blog that recently closed. SO sad! :(
textbox by mme.
On the LO below I used my chipboard-snowflakes and thickers-alpha as mask, and spritzed with my favorite turquouse glimmermist by Tattered Angels.
Snowflake-stamps by my Stamp BOX :)
mandag, mars 22, 2010
Easter inspiration :)
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I have made some cute little greeting-cards, and a tiny little chocolate-gift today.
Easter is just around the corner, and I guess friends and family will love to get a little card or some sweets to remind them we are thinking of them even if we are miles and miles apart.

I have dressed up a little chocolate.
This chocolate is a typical norwegian chocolate, and most of us are thinking of cross country skiing, snowy mountains, oranges and hot cocoa when we see this chocolate.
Well for us norwegians, a perfect choice for easter. :)
I have dressed mine up a little bit, to make it more festive.

For this project I've used
white cardstock
a scallop border-punch
a round and a scallop round ( 2 1/2 and 3 inch) punch
ribbon and green leaves and paper-flowers to mebellish
3ndypapir "secret garden" collection patterned paper
and a scan of an old easter postcard.
(You can download the images I have used for my projects by clicking on the images in this post and save. )
These images are for personal use only!!!

Attached the round card to the scallop background and drawed around the circles and scallops with my favorite brown pen.
Adorned the edges of my cardstock with my scallop-punch.
The red patterned paper is just to add a little red border on each side of the lighter patterned paper.
Attach the patterned paper on top of the cardstock.
Adhere the circle with the cute postcard on top of the paper-"coat".
embellish with paper-flowers and a piece of ribbon.
Perfect as a cute little gift.
Here are the two easter-cards I made today as well.
Here are the two easter-cards I made today as well.
Hope you feel inspired.
Have a wonderful week!
fredag, mars 19, 2010
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Hope you have had a wonderful week.
My week has been busy, busy, but fun.
Still working on shipping all the packages of 3ndypapir to all the retailers around Norway, Sweden, Iceland etc.
I have had alot of classes this week too - one every second day :) I love to teach, so these scrapbooking-and papercrafting classes makes me all happy.
Last weekend I attended the large Crop / gathering in Ski, and I had a blast, teaching, scrapbooking laughing, being with friends. GOOD TIMES!
I had one class at Minnehjørnet early this week, and I will have one class at Steffens tomorrow.
Yesterday I went to Moss, I had so much fun teaching for a group of wonderful people there :)
They all wanted me to put out pictures and templates for the stuff we made in this class.
So without further ado, here it goes.

I have put alot of love, time and effort into all my creations and templates.
Some of the templates are made by me, and some are other peoples work of art.
These templates are for PERSONAL USE ONLY!
Please don't use them for magazines, books or other commercial use without permission!
All papers used for these projects are by 3ndypapir
mandag, mars 15, 2010
inspiration monday
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Hope you are all fine.
I have been so busy with the 3ndypapir spring release this week - so sorry I just left you with the sneak-peeks last monday...
Anyhow I'll make up today and share a super cute minialbum tutorial with you.
This minialbum is a paperbag album, and I used the new "secret garden" collection by 3ndypapir.
If some of you, my friends in US or other places in the world want to purcase this collection, please contact me by e-mail:
and while waiting, please join my inspiration monday.

I bought these at Minnehjørnet, but I guess you can get them in your favourite LSS or online.
All patterned papers are 3ndypapir
a ribbon to tie around the book
overlay by Hambly
dymo text
crocheted embellishments bought on Etsy

I put all my 3 paperbags in one stack and sew them together using my sewing machine.
I stiched forth and back, to secure the bags. This stiched line will be the "binding" of the book, and after I stiched it looked like this:

I glued my ribbon to the front and back to make it stay in place.
to cover all the book-pages and the cover.
I attached all the pieces of patterned paper to my bookpages, and used my "markedsdag" tag-paper (3ndypapir), my hambly-tag-overlay, crochet-flowers and ladybugs to embellish the pages and added titles using my Dymo.
I was SO inspired by my friend Lene to use black against all the bright colors.

I was SO inspired by my friend Lene to use black against all the bright colors.
Thank you Lene - you are amazing! :)
The book is ready, and I added my pictures.
I decided I wanted this to be a book about Eiruns passion for crocheting.
I added some pictures and some tags to the pockets.
And here is how my book turned out: