First of all: Thank you SOOOO MUCH for all your kind comments and hugs on last post. I really needed it. :) HUGS to all my blogfriends.
But Life has to go on and this week is gonna be really busy. Have two classes at the big gathering in Ski - Minnehjørnet- this coming weekend - one vintage-vintage-class (same class I teached in Tønsberg last sunday) and one vintage Christmas-minialbum with my best buddy Lene. This is going to be SO much fun!!
Also have a class next week at Minnehjørnet. I'll teach the minialbum you can see above. So to all my norwegian friends located close to Ski or Oslo: Hurry up and sign in to the class the 21st of september!!
Made this album for this weeks word Up at the One Little Word-blog. The word is KEEP. I found my dictionary and read all the meanings of the word - I was so inspiered to make this vintage-album - because KEEP is for me related to scrapbooking - to keep memories, to put together all these keepsakes - to make something for keeps :)
So go visit the OLW-blog and soak in some great inspiration. :)
Have a great week.
5 kommentarer:
Helt ljuvligt underbart album!!
MVH Miaa
For et fantastisk album. Helt nydelig!
Å gosj så nydelig Gudrun! Lekkert album :o)
Så utrolig nydelig, drømmende, sart, sjarmerende og..og...(ja, hvilke fine ord vil du ha?) uttrykk du har på disse her!
Jeg elsker englene på arkene deres - AKKURAT slik skal en ekte cherub-engel se ut!
....når kommer den alene som diecut eller stempel? :D
Ååååhh!! Underbart ljuvligt!!
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