Jeg har hatt det skikkelig travelt med stempler og kort en tid nå...
De to kortene fra de siste to ukene i Emily's "a deck of you"-art-journal har ligget her og ventet...nå får jeg endelig postet dem, sammen med denne ukens kort også. ;-)
I've been busy promoting, selling, sending and making stuff with all my new stamps this past weeks, but at least I'll post all the three cards I haven't posted yet, for Emilys "a deck of you"-artjournal.
# something I miss:
ok, I know I may miss dad, some friends, family, places I have lived.... i could go on and on.... BUT, instead i turned the prompt upside down, and I started thinking of all the stuff i HAVE. I'm so blessed, I have a lovely husband, 4 happy kids, a home, the best hobby and job ever.......
So I made this card, used one of my new stamps (designed by me) And it reads something like "feel like flying".... in Norwegian we say "flying on a pink coud" means I'm SOOOO happy... ;-) )

# Inspiration:
Yes, I feel inspiered, and that's good.
This challenge makes me feel inspiered.
I also get loads of inspiration by having classes, teaching other people about art, about photography, about scrapbooking, and see how they enjoy the process and the making. :-)
Loads of things around makes me feel the inspiration flowing...I - Like Rita- could possibly make a whole deck of cards about this theme alone.... ;-)

#reminder to My self:
This Time I had decided I MUST remind my self CLEANING, and keep tidy....
Yes I'm an extremely messy scrapper....
But, just on time, this beautyful rubons from Urban Lily came my way, and I totally LOVE this quote:
Cherish this moment.
I also translated it to norwegian on my card, just to ensure I wouldn't forget. ;-)

(and, so I didn't have to keep tidy, or clean up this time eighter.... lol...)
Thank you for looking and leaving me such sweet comments. :-)