Hi my friends!! And welcome to this inspiration monday #2 :)
It's still early in january, and I haven't forgotten all about my new years resolutions... yet...
If you are like me you have alot on your plate during the week. And as a mother of 4 busy kids I really need a bit of organization.
So to keep track of all the appointments during the week I've made this week-planner.
This is a planner for all the things we do same day, same place every week, so I don't have to put that up in my calendar. I just keep this planner hanging along with my calendar, and I'll
keep track of all the stuff we do on a regular basis. :)
So today I'll share this little week-planner with you.
So simple, but yet so helpful. ;)

1 white or cream cardstock 8" X 8"
2 sheets of 12" X12" patterned paper of your choice
2 eyelets
1 binder-clips
a piece of twine
day-stamps (mine are by Purple Onion)
photo-holders and brads
black pen

I made my plan simply by drawing this grid to a 8" X 8" cardstock. You can download and print this grid on to your cardstock if you like, or you can draw your own, perfect for your own use. :)

I rounded the corners of my cream cardstock and added the grid on top of my turcouse patterned paper - just left a tiny frame of turqouse around the cardstock.

I made two holes and add eyelets on the upper part of the patterned paper I decided to use as my background-paper.
I placed the holes a little bit right of the center, to make room for the date-stamps on the side of the grid-plan.
Tied the binder-clip to the paper with the twine.

Now you can place your planner in the middle of the background paper, and secure it with the clip.

Stamped Monday - Friday with my purple Onion date-stamps on a craft cardstock.

cut out all the circles / stamped images

Added the circles to the edge or my planner.

To add some drops of color and to secure the grid-cardstock (because I haven't glued it to the background - I wanted it to be changeable) I added 3 yellow photo-holders

Write the names in the uper part of the grid

Decorated with my favorite Cosmo Cricket rubons. :)

Planner is ready to use.
Just add your regular plans to the spaces on the planner.
I keep mine by the phone, so I won't miss out on anything ;)
Thanks for popping by!
Happy creating - and have a wonderful week!!
14 kommentarer:
Det var bra du minnet meg på å lage en slik. Greitt å få sortert alle aktiviteter og gjøremål.
Lekkert oppsett i flotte farger.
Tusen takk for inspirasjonen!!
(og kommentaren i bloggen min)
OMYGOSH!!!! i love love love this gudrun!!!! wow!!!! sooooooooooo perfect!!!!!!! and bummer i didn't make it over for the apple cake....i sure hope u enjoyed it for me! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
That calendar is SO adorable. Thanks for the tutorial... may have to make one! :-)
Denne var bare så flott! Tror jeg må prøve meg på en sånn...
Ha en kjempefin uke!:)
Herlig fresh denne her! Har blitt så glad i grønt etter at jeg begynte å scrappe. Skulle egentlig sende deg en mail, men kommer ikke videre når jeg klikker på mailadressen din. Så det jeg lurer på er: Hva skal du gjøre på kurset du skal ha på Gode Minner! Har vært på to av dine kurs i Tønsberg; vintage og minialbum.
Takk ellers for herlige papirer, jeg har brukt flere av dem.
God aften til deg!
I love this as well! Thank you so much for sharing your ideas Gudrun!
Such a fun project!
what a good idea and a good way to remember !
Thanks to share wih us Gudrun.
Hug from Paris
Du er meg et oppkomme av gode ideer, Gudrun!
Godt nytt år!
Herlig! Og takk for inspo..jeg har nå laget en digi versjon :)) Mulig jeg printer ut og lager en hybrid av den :)
Håper du har en strålende og ikke alt for travel dag.
Vilken underbar idé! Kanske jag lånar den idén.
Tack för lånet av bilderna! Dom finns här nu: http://forskola.blogspot.com/
och här:
(Tycker du inte det är okej, så säg till, så tar jag bort inlägget.)
Ha det bra!
WOW!!! Denne var super!!!!!!!!!
Denne var lur.
Og enkelt å bytte ut ark når noe forandres på timeplanen.
adoooorable!!! :)
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