On another note:
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On another note:
Cut patterned paper in 6x6 inch (or a little bit less to leave a tiny frame of craft along the edges)and add to the outside of the cover-page
sew along the edges of the patterned paper with your sewing machine.
add two 6x6 inch pieces of paper to the inside of the cover.
Gather all the neutral pages inside the cover.
make 2 holes trough all the pages in the folded edge.
I used my needle to make holes.
Using DOUBLE tread, sew trough the holes, starting from the outside of the cover, leave a long tail of the thread on the outside, sew trough the holes, and leave the rest of the thread on the outside.
(I have used double embrodery floss pluss one waxed linen tread)
You'll now add the buttons to the thread on the outside of the cover.
put one thread trough each of the holes in the button and tie a knot and a sweet little bow on top.
I added some beads to the waxed linen tread.
The book is ready to use!
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