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fredag, januar 09, 2009


Have really had a hangup on words lately......... The new year, with all its possibilities makes me think - makes me want changes - makes me want to embrace, learn, listen more, be a better person, clean out all the mess, simplify, focus more on the most important things in my life, take time, just BE and be aware of the little things, capture the moments - the life.....
SO MANY words came to my mind - and inspiered by Ali Edwards, and her word for the year - and of course by the One Little Word blog - and all the wordsters I wanted to join in and choose a word for this year 2009.
But - as you can imagine - with all this words in my head, it was hard to sort out just ONE word.....
I made this LO using some of the words that came to my mind.....and suddenly I realised - my word for 2009 is as simple as START.
What I really want is to START doing, or thinking of, or embrace, or capture..........
So many things I want to get started, so many plans so many Ideas, so many things I want to do. So, I just need to get started.

Start is also my first word up at the OLW blog. You still have time to come over and play along!


7 kommentarer:

caro sa...

Just saw this energy-filled LO on sistv, but I haven't visited here for a bit. So, good luck! with all these wonderful avenues you're STARTING along in 2009!

Ruth Philps sa...

I saw this on OLW and have spent a few days thinking about making START on the challenge!!! My problem...too much thinking not enough starting!!

Love the energy and PP in this LO!!

Torill sa...

Knallstilig denne også!!! Utrolig bra! Og du inspirerer så utrolig!!! Tusen takk!

Anonym sa...

what a fun LO!!!! and what a great word!!!! have fun documenting it!!

Mich sa...

Now you just need to START and find the time to do all those plans that you have in your head ;-))

Great LO by the way !!

Sandy sa...

LOVE that layout!! so glad you like your poster. (-:

Trine sa...

Spennende og inspirerende arbeid, som alltid :o) Kikker innom her stadig vekk og har derfor en liten award til deg i bloggen min. Med gode ønsker for det nye året!!! Vi ses vel i alle fall i Ski i mars? Håper dere tar dere tid til å delta også :o) Klemmer